On-site workers “may get more visibility with leadership” and thus receive more attention, development opportunities, promotions, etc., than their work-from-home colleagues. In-office employees tend to be looked at more favorably because, as one remote work expert has said: “You may have a bad day at work, but you’re at work. Your boss sees you and thinks, ‘I …
Leaders: Consider These 6 Things to Make Sure Your Remote Employees Aren’t Left Behind
Leaders: Consider These 6 Things to Make Sure Your Remote Employees Aren’t Left Behind:
Remote Employees: Consider These 6 Things to Make Sure You’re Not Left Behind
Some of us may work remotely two or three days a week, working in-house on the others. Although many people have come to enjoy the autonomy, traffic-free, and hyper-productivity that often accompanies remote work, there are some potential worries: Remote workers run the risk of being overlooked This is particularly so if you work from …
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Leaders: Consider These 6 Things to Make Sure Your Remote Employees Aren’t Left Behind
Will remote workers “get left behind”? It’s quite possible: on-site workers “may get more visibility with leadership” and thus receive more attention, development opportunities, promotions, etc., than their work-from-home colleagues. This, of course, isn’t fair because remote workers are at least 13 percent more productive. In-house employees tend to be looked at more favorably because, …
What to do when a colleague takes credit for your work
When a colleague takes credit for your work, it can feel like the ultimate betrayal. You work hard, and you’re great at what you do, so having someone else put their stamp on that awesome presentation or that innovative idea certainly doesn’t feel good. While this is often a difficult and emotional conversation to initiate, …
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The Crucial Traits You’re Overlooking in Candidates
Skills are critical, of course. Certifications also often are, as are certain post-secondary degrees. Past job experience is also important. But there are several important character traits that hiring managers often overlook when searching for new employees. How “thirsty” are they? The “thirstier” they are, the more they want it, and the harder they’ll work …
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Speaking Up: How to Ask for What You Want so That You’re Heard and Heeded
Speaking up at work is a crucial leadership skill. Even if you feel REALLY uncomfortable speaking up about your ideas, needs. In other words, when you have something to say that adds to the conversation helps a project along corrects an unwise course of action but you never speak up because you’re worried about pushback; …
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Don’t Wait on This: Overcoming Procrastination
We all procrastinate. We tend to procrastinate even more in the summer because….pool calling! Yet procrastination can mean: You end up scrambling and doing two things at once because you put off one of them too long. Feeling exceptionally stressed as you work quickly and hard to get a project done by its deadline because …
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Assessing (and Hiring) New Grads with Limited Experience
Graduation “season” has come and gone, but companies hire new college graduates all year long. Newly minted bachelor’s degree holders are inundating your job board’s inbox. Some may be so-so for your position, some may be great. But how can you know which is which? Taking a look at new college graduates’ limited experience First, …
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