Scrum is a process framework used for developing, delivering, and maintaining products. You might have noticed that this definition did not mention either Agile or software. While neither Scrum nor any other framework appears in the Agile Manifesto, Scrum may be the most popular. Read the full whitepaper.
When Your Colleague Gets the Promotion You Wanted
You’ve worked hard, done more than has been asked of you, thought “outside the box,” and came up with some great ideas that either saved your company money or made money. You’re a great employee, frankly! Your boss knows it. Her boss knows it. Your colleagues know it. There’s a great opportunity coming up within your company, and …
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When You’re asked to Do Something That Doesn’t Sit Right with You
Even great managers – wonderful managers – may sometimes ask you to do something that – while not actually illegal – feels “iffy” or “off” to you. As in unethical or immoral. It could be that it’s acceptable throughout the larger culture in which we all live, but it feels unethical in the one in …
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Distancing Yourself from Co-Worker Drama Royalty
Let us be clear: when we talk about “drama royals,” we’re not talking only about women. We are referring to people who make it a point to talk about and even instigate “drama” wherever they go. How can you tell when someone is drama royalty? Here are a few clues: They’re complainy-pants. They love to …
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The Value of a Mentor
Frankly, having a mentor can be terrific for your career. A mentor can: Help you reach career goals. Encourage you during rough patches or career challenges you inevitably will encounter. Provide constructive feedback. Hold you accountable for your actions. Hold you accountable for reaching your stated career goals. Introduce you to people who can help …
Diversify Your Personal Life
We’ve written extensively these past few months in our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion series on the importance of DEI in the workplace. We’ve also written on how companies can become more diverse. But we haven’t touched on how to bring more diversity into your personal life. Until now. In fact, if we increase diversity …
When Your Boss Shames You Publicly
Have you ever seen anyone shamed in public? We’re not talking on social media or otherwise online (although it sure looks awful there, too), but in person. Chances are great that you sided with the person being shamed: the person doing the shaming comes across as a bully. Still, being shamed in public is beyond …
Productivity Killers
What was your very first thought when you read this post’s title? Was it something like this: “OMG! Productivity killers! I have a gazillion of them. My technology, my own thoughts. Clients/bosses. My kids. The weather (if it’s gorgeous, I want to get up and outside. if it’s bad, I want to crawl into bed.”) …